
If you want to hire me for speaking, writing, teaching, or any other kind of gig that allows me to exercise right speech & right listening, I would be delighted.

Email is BY FAR the best way to reach me :

Note: I totally and completely read every single email I get. I appreciate hearing from you so much. I definitely write back. Eventually. So if you have emailed me, please be patient.You will hear back from me. I wish I could say the same about phone calls, but I can’t. Email is best!!!

Other ways we could connect:

  • Twitter. I am in love with the avalanche of humanity called Twitter.
  • Facebook. Friend me and I’ll friend you back.
  • Facebook Fan Page. Get announcements, talk with others, ask me questions, and so on.
  • My blog. Please click on RSS feed to get my latest posts and you have to know how much I love it when people comment. Love.
  • Huffington Post. I blog for them several times per month.
  • You Tube. Sometimes I record videos while driving or sitting at my desk.

Memo from the TMI dept: 25 Random Things About Me

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