"View from the Bay" TV appearance, 12/15

December 17, 2008   |   10 Comments

Sorry I haven’t posted in so long! Have been toooo busy. I hate being busy. But between consulting work, revising new book, and hair appointments, haven’t had a moment.

A consulting gig has been taking me to the Bay Area every 10 days or so and while last there was on a local ABC show, discussing “The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Before You Say ‘I Do.'” Enjoy my awesome outfit.

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  • Posted by:  Jonathan

    Love the book. And great job on the interview.

  • Posted by:  Robin

    wow- I’m picking up 100 questions before you say I do to pass on to my daughters so they don’t make the big mistake! thank you and good luck!

  • Posted by:  Forrest Piver

    im so glad ur my aunt!! u rock!!!!

  • Posted by:  susan

    And I’m so glad you’re my nephew!! And my godson, too!! Not to mention, a fellow-writer. Love you.

  • Posted by:  Jill

    What a great interview! And I love these questions and this book. Thank you for sharing your heart and life with us all Susan. Sending Hugs.

  • Posted by:  Carol

    Nice vibrant & expressive conversation! Oh yeah, love love the blue and brown together…am also lately obsessed with purple and brown, too. Thanks. Beautifully done.

  • Posted by:  susan

    The outfit is all important…thanks for noticing!! I’m becoming obsessed with browns and blues…

  • Posted by:  canali

    another book i like is ”intellectual foreplay”…written by a woman who met her (now hubby) while on vacation…they started asking each other questions (one would ask one night,the other the other night)….to such that the questions grew in complexity and number…some were added by each of their circles of friends too…long and short i’ve read that some churches now use her guide in their premarriage counselling sessions.

  • Posted by:  canali

    forgot to add: some would say to ask these sorts of questions MUCH earlier in the relationship BEFORE you get emotionally entangled and can’t see as clearly …ie, one gal asks in the first 6 or so dates if the other wants to get married eventually and have kids…to those who are scared off just makes her list of prospects that much easier to maintain….i guess it’s a balance…but if you leave these questions too late into the relationship then you’ve invested so much emotionally and dreamwise without really checking in to see the reality between what you THINK you have and what actually is.

  • Posted by:  canali

    forgot to add: some would say to ask these sorts of questions MUCH earlier in the relationship BEFORE you get emotionally entangled and can’t see as clearly …ie, one gal asks in the first 6 or so dates if the other wants to get married eventually and have kids…to those who are scared off just makes her list of prospects that much easier to maintain….i guess it’s a balance…but if you leave these questions too late into the relationship then you’ve invested so much emotionally and dreamwise without really checking in to see the reality between what you THINK you have and what actually is…and thus can make pulling apart that much more difficult.

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